It's Time to Tackle Math!

♔ Edit at 2:41pm: For those of you like me who was too cheap to buy that book with past papers and worked solutions, I found a site with the papers AND the worked solutions.

2U Math:
3U Math:
4U Math: The same one as the 3U link.

♔ End Edit

Yeah...Mathematics...the enemy of mankind lol. Nah, I don't mean it. At least 2U math is practical...but honestly...for those like me who do 3U or for those like Queenie and Annie who do 4U...I really don't see what the point is. As if I'll need Harmonic Motion or mathematical induction in real life. It's not like I'll remember how to apply that knowledge after I leave high school anyway. My mum took the equivalent of 4U math when she was in China and she said she forgot everything after she left. Go figures. And she still wants me to take it? Ah well.

But yeah, I better start studying today :/ I'm not that worried for 2U but I am for 3U. I haven't touched it since trials and I think I'm gonna pay the price on Wednesday. Let's just hope I did well for the other exams and maybe I'll be safe?

I don't know. AHHHH this is so depressing. Not really. I'm gonna relax today and do more past papers...while watching some drama. This is the only way to take my mind off the stress. I can actually multitask pretty well.

That's all for now! It's time to tackle math!


Sunny | October 24, 2010 at 9:11 PM

Omg China and maths LOL nice. Hang in there :)

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