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Ode to My iPod Touch

O iPod Touch
I barely even knew your name.
Our time together, short.
You promised me great things ahead, 
Guess now the chance's naught.

People say all costly things are good,
and worth the price.
But like a cheese to mice you bring,
a deal not quite as nice.

Lost my 3 day young ipod touch. Infinite sadness. Gonna get a new so I won't be sad anymore >_>

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New Post on L'Etude: Color Co-ordinating

New Post on L'etude about colours and what it can do for you! Head over there now and have a read =D

We all know that our eyes are often fooled by optical illusions and there are a lot of factors that contribute to how we perceive the world around us. Colour is one of these factors and if used wisely, it's a powerful tool that can be used to your advantage. But be warned! Because when used badly, the results can be disastrous!

You see, there's a lot that colour can do for you and I believe that it's every girl's DUTY to learn and perfect it (more so than cooking and cleaning!). Colour can make you look younger, older, slimmer, fuller, sexy, dull, easy-going and so on.

So here's a quick crash course about a few things Colour can do and when you have the time, you should experiment with them and see for yourself which ones flatter you more than the rest. Remember, just because your favourite colour is purple doesn't mean it will look GOOD on you!

To read the rest click here

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Recent Works


Since uni is being such a pain in the behind, I've been getting less and less personal time which means I have less and less chances to update my blog. It's so sad because there's so much happening and I'm learning so much but because I'm tired all the time, I don't have time to document or share these experiences.

Take today for example. I pulled another all-nighter last night to finish off the Design History A2 Poster assignment due today. Why did I leave it until the last minute? Because for the past week and a half, we've been getting loads and loads of assessments and I've literally been working myself like a dog. I haven't procrastinated once since semester began and that's saying something because I'm the Queen of Procrastination (duhhh I procrastinated during the HSC exam period LOL)...

Also, last weekend, we had WEEKEND CAD LESSONS on both Saturday and Sunday so there goes my chance to do assignments...

Anyway, regardless of what results I get and what people think, I'm quite proud of myself for sticking through and doing all this work. So of course, it's only natural for me to document them on my blog :)

FIRST THING'S FIRST! My Interior Models for Design Studio -

Just a quick explanation as to what this is: It's a model (maybe scale of 1:200) of an interior space where the spiraling stairs (yes, they are stairs) allow the visitors to explore the interior via its organic movement through the space. 
Please pardon the dodgy men on the model xD they were made from black paper so they're not perfect!!!


DESIGN HISTORY POSTER!!! - Hats Throughout History

This is the poster that took me 12 HOURS TO DO!! NO SLEEP. NO DINNER. WOW. 

(Side Story: I left home early today so I can print off my stuff at the uni print shop...but because of my all nighter I fell asleep on the train. When I woke up again the train was still moving but I didn't know where I was LOL...turned out I missed Central and the train was going onto another line...epic fail :( )
Alright. That's about it I suppose xD 
Time to do more work >< I have stuff due TOMORROW too *dies*

BUT don't forget to leave me a comment and follow for more madness to come xD

Till next time!

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What Have I Been Up To?

Well...a lot of things =D
University started and everything but before I make a post about that, I wanted to share some photos from my Blue Mountains trip with Cindy and Stella AND photos from the Sydney Design Week Exhibition that we did!

I'll just be spamming photos so bare with me =D

TRIP ONE - Lithgow, Blue Mountains (NSW, AUSTRALIA) Echo Point, Three Sisters, Scenic World

 Um...tourists wanting a picture with the natives? 
LOL this is ironic because we're in Blue Mountains (AUSTRALIA) and the asians (us) are the natives and the european guys are the tourists.


So a very brief summary of what we did? Bushwalking, rail-track riding, skyway riding?, being asian tourist-y. Yup that pretty much covers it. Oh...and visiting Costco afterwards...BUT FINDING OUT WE NEEDED MEMBERSHIP (60 dollars???). How come no one ever told me about this? D:


My Map =D 

The exhibition went very well! The night was really crowded. There were bottles after bottles of free champagne and wine. Unfortunately, Michel and I drank them on an empty stomach so I felt sick the whole night and had to go home before it ended =( So unfortunate.
I know this isn't really a proper post. But at least I've now updated all the things going on with my life >=D!! I'll post a picture of a promotional poster that Cindy, Michel and I collaborated on. Unfortunately it wasn't used but AH WELL.

Till next time!

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