Sleepovers and Parties

So I didn't end up celebrating my 18th birthday...since it was SMACKBANG during the trials. But I want to celebrate a sort of POST-HSC party too =)
Except my house is under reconstruction =( and there's no where to go. Looking on venues now =) I'm sure most people are sick of cruises by now..also I don't like beach parties or park parties...
So yes.
We'll decide on that later.

Sleepovers! Gonna plan some and crash some :( haven't done anything fun in a while and it's killing me. City trips  too =) with my friends.

So yah. That's just a random ramble about what I'm planning for after hsc. ALSOOOO NEW YEARS EVE FIREWORKS! Queenie you better be free for that *evil eye* I don't want to watch fireworks by myself xD

A new year, new education venue, new friends.
Can't wait!


Matt | October 30, 2010 at 5:40 PM


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