Keeping Things Simple

Okay...I'm gonna delete my other blog Twin Bells Boutique. I reckon it's one of my most fail ideas yet LOL...I lack the motivation and dedication to really make it work.
I actually spent heaps of time looking for the template I used for instead of wasting it, I'm gonna use it here. At least until the New Years. Omg...I just really like the colours and the floral design =( WHYYYYYYYYYY.....WHYYYYYY....
*cough cough*
Shout Outs to Fuu and Joey..if they ever see this. I'm sorry I haven't visited D: but as you may know...I'm sick. I'll try to soon.

PS: Did I mention I really like this template? It's so...antique looking. Ahaha I'm such a failure x.x


Ray | December 19, 2010 at 7:35 PM

You had another blog? LOL...
Yeah it is pretty fail esp. since I don't know about it. But I like the template. It's very you.

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