Bring On The Christmas Spirit!!

Some relatives came over last night to deliver Christmas gifts. I have this habit of taking photos of really doesn't mean anything. I thought I'd share some of them here...because I have a few things I would like to address regarding gifts. Don't worry...they're my own issues. I'm not ungrateful or anything. You'll see.

The first example would be this Lindt Petits Desserts I received from one of my Grandma's friends. I LOVE Lindt chocolate so this was a really nice gift and I would love it...IF I WASN'T SICK. OMG. WTH. I CAN'T EVEN TOUCH IT. IT'S SITTING IN MY ROOM (still wrapped mind you), AND I CAN'T TOUCH IT. 
Yeah...I'm pretty angry about that :( 


Woohoo!! An Anklet!!

And a Natio mineral make-up set...bronzer, brushes, eye shadow, mineral powder and mineral blush. 

So now that I got those out of the way, I realised this thing. A trend. Starting from...the age of 16? All my relatives have given me either one of the two stereotypical female gifts: make-up OR assessories. I guess it's the first two ideas that comes to mine. And I'm guilty of doing it myself actually. When in doubt...GO FOR THE ASSESSORIES! 
In my opinion, it's safer to give a girl a necklace than it is to give make-up. For example, a girl who does not like putting on make-up will have NO USE for it...they might even get offended that they were given make-up in the first place. But if you gave her a necklace...there's a 50/50 chance that she'll wear it. Plus, she won't get offended. Everyone wears assessories at SOME POINT IN THEIR LIVES. 


PS: Here's a picture of my meds that I told my friend I would upload LOL...


Anonymous | December 20, 2010 at 3:57 PM it safe? Eating that many pills?

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