Year 12 Farewell

We did it guys! We really did it :) Six years I've been at St George Girls High and it's really been good to me. Lots of happy, sad, drama-filled and embarrassing memories :) But I'm glad I made it through...with my loyal team of friends.

Queenie, Cinney, Carmel and I were in the same Year 7 Peer Support Group :) and I remember what I thought when I met Queenie for the first time. What a quiet girl, I thought. Boy was I wrong LOL. She was the first person I talked to at St George. The Peer Support session was followed by Cinney and Carmel's Tamora Pierce Fangirl-ing.

We shared many fond memories together in year 7. There was Cinney starring as the Tissue Girl (where she offered us tissues even when we didn't need it haha), Year 7 Camp where we told ghost stories (we had to share the same toilet cubicle at night because we were so scared) and when I 'booked' Carmel as my Bunk Buddy =) So many happy memories and we were SO young xD

Next...Year 8!! Annie joined the club and transfered to our school from Tempe =D I knew her back then as Carmel's Primary Friend and she was the most easy-going person ever ;D The first nice thing I did for her was give her a random envelope LOL. All of those who have received one in the past will know what they are xD

And along the way people came and left. There was Delia who called everyone 'little girls' and insisted upon the philosophy lollipops make the world go round :) There was Nicole, the person with the most morals and sense of responsibility in our group ;)

Then there's Linda the one that will protect us all from assaults says Carmel with her martial arts. Molise was always there, smiling her big smile, the master of all things.

All in all, it was a great six years and I'm proud to say that I was there for every one of them =) Thank you Cinney, Queenie and Annie for being the best buddies EVER LOL. And I think Cinney is the only one who knows the significance of colours green, navy, red, yellow and blue. How much money did we waste on those spinning things?!

Delia, I still don't understand why you rather STAND than SIT at lunchtime LOL. That will forever remain a mystery to me :O

Nicole and Linda still refuse to make suggestive jokes/gestures but we've successfully corrupted Carmel ;D Yes Carmel, as we leave school, we take your soul with us. You'll forever be Year12 2010. Nothing will change that! In the never did get raped or become a nun at 15 yo XD THE PROPHECY (Cinney's Rubber) WAS WRONG!

So, to sum up my rant. I LOVE YOU ALL MY BABIES!

PS: And a special mention to Leona :) you made my art classes so much more bearable and I've really grown to appreciate you this year as a classmate and as a friend =) You made pulling all-nighters fun ;D


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