Organisation! New Navigation!

So I spent some time rearranging my posts into more 'organised' categories. I changed each post tag according to where they belong so everything's more straightforward and more accessible (for me AND you). The magazine scans and wishlist section were all moved to Recommendations and I changed Special to Featured. Here's a small guide.

Our Store
This is the link to TwinsBellsBoutique where I'm selling people's stuff...haven't updated yet so I'm sorry Jessie D: you gotta send me your pictures LOL.

Creative Juices
Teenage Angst manipulated into lyrical form? Logs on my BOW for Art...etc etc. Anything creative from me to you basically goes here.

Event Log
Important events and my recounts/thoughts about them. These include holidays, excursions, family gatherings, outings etc.

Featured Posts
Posts that does not really belong in any of the other categories but too important to disregard as 'rants'.

Kind Recommendations
Everything commercial or beneficial to your health/physical maintanence.

Rants Releasing the Inner Moonster
Rants basically haha. Daily posts about stuff that bothers me, stuff I like and stuff I've noticed about the world. Sometimes these can be quite boring, but some are quite interesting...even for me. Includes random youtube videos, links, pictures etc etc.

Resource Box
Mostly just resource links for HSC or other stuff that falls under resources o__o


Matt | September 11, 2010 at 3:48 PM

yay progress and proficiency!

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