
When you think of papercuts, you don't really pay much attention to it. I mean, it's not a disease, it's not fatal, what kind of damage can papercuts actually do you? When you hear about someone getting a papercut, you'll probably just shrug your shoulders and go 'meh, its just a papercut'.
But when you really do get one yourself, it'll probably mean a lot more to you and most likely you'll be whincing in pain because the truth is, papercuts HURT A LOT!!

I got a papercut today...and it was quite bad. The cut was really deep and a lot of blood squirted out. Nicole said I was an idiot for trying to squeeze out more blood. But I find it rather satisfying D:And now as I sit here, I've realised that my life's a lot like a papercut.

Miniscule and insignificant to other people's eyes but it means a lot to me.

Now that I think about it...a lot of things are like papercuts.

I can go up to someone and say, "You're like a papercut to me"
What I mean is..."...other people might find you insignificant, but you mean a lot to me."

And yeah =]

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