Winter Essentials!!!

*sniffle sniffle*
It's so cold I'm sweating ice-cubes...if you know what I mean o_O
Please don't try to picture than in your's really disgusting. I made my way home today, I realised theres 5 things I can't do without in winter.

1) Lip Balm
Seriously guys, no joke.
My lips get so chapped, bits of it starts to flake off =( It's a really hideous sight so I HAVE to moisturize it 5 times a day. That's why it's always handy to lip balm in your bag in never know when your lips might start flaking O_O
It's really good when you want to apply it in pu
blic since its packaging's really nice and you don't have to use your fingers. It moisturizes and seals the moisture inside your lips longer than normal lipbalms and the SPF 8 component serves as protection against UV and other lousy dangerous stuff. It's really good :)
More than just a pretty label! Alright, so the cute case and chain play a big part in this, but the lip balm itself is also pretty good. First of all, it's sweet so it doesn't feel like you've got a layer of vaseline on your lips and secondly, you can use it as lip-colouring too!
Okay, I dunno how to describe how good this is. It's a combination of moisturizer, vitamin su
pplement and protectant for your lips and this is probably my favourite out of the three!!

2) Scarf
Scarves in winter...WOW AMY, YOU'RE A GENIUS, you might think. But seriously, lots of people think wearing scarves are unnecessary...or that it's gay...or something like that. But honestly, your neck is one of the most important parts your body and you really gotta keep that warm. If you neck is warm, your whole body will too.
I have one of these and they're so warm. Mufflers go around your entire neck and loops itself a couple of times so it really keeps the warmth in :)

3) Hand moisturizer
Because there's nothing worse than a chapped/dry hand *dies*
My mum uses this brand, so I used this brand and now I know why. When they say cream, they mean moisturizer/perfume/healing/anti-aging/protection.
Two in one...moisterizing AND whitening ;D I bought this one for myself and the Peach one for my mum and we LOVE it xD And the fruit packaging is really cute. But there's one bad thing about's sorta bulky and hard to carry around o.o so use this only as a novelty, not for everyday use.

4) Extra Stockings!!
What did you expect? It's rainy season and the only thing keep our legs warm are stockings!! So if they get wet then..well...let's not think about that...*shivers*
To be honest, I don't like the really thick wooly stockings since they make your legs really uncomfortable when you're sitting down and there's a heater on somewhere in the room.
But since it's just your back-up pair...
Any old stockings will do

5) Hair Comb/Brush
Winter = Cold, Ruthless wind...and for those with long hair like me? Well, I've sorta given up trying to make my hair stay put...after walking through Hurstville in the wind, I look almost like Hermione Granger...ALMOST.
Bring a fold-up brush instead of a comb if you have long hair because they get the knots out of your hair faster (and less painful) than combs...also, the pointy spikes on the brush massages your scalp so after the cold wind, it feels really nice.

So there's my 5 things :D
I like to shop online since it's easier to compare prices and I know I'm getting the most out of is the way to go ;D ;D *wink wink*
NO this is not an advertisement O_O


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