The Weeping Angels

So four episodes of the new Doctor Who is out =]
No, I'm not a big science-fiction fan, but Doctor Who's not just about science fiction xD
There's heaps of Supernatural stuff there too...
It's like the British Supernatural with lots of yummy British+ Scottish goodness LOL
Well, anyhow, I've watched all four episodes and I must say, Matt Smith hasn't let Doctor Who down.
I'm starting to grow fond of the Eleventh Doctor xD and his new companion Amy Ponds is superb too (no, not because she shares my name).
I thought that Doctor Who wouldn't be as good after David Tennant left, but I was wrong :D BBC really showed me.
Anyways, looking forward to future episodes!!!
My math tutor's coming soon, so I gotta do some math revision!!!!!!!


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