Bedtime Reading

So I was surfing around the net for some interesting documentaries to watch and I came across some Conspiracy documentaries about things like the 9/11 incident and the similarities between the JFK + Lincoln assassination. It was a nice break from all the history documentaries I was watching on YouTube. Call it a bit of Bedtime Reading :)

It lead me to this site called InfoWars. It's full of conspiracy theories (backed with evidence and newspaper articles etc) and to be honest, I found it quite amusing.

So I've included some of the 'more entertaining' articles that I read that's more or less simply just articles regarding the latest world news and scientific discoveries:

If a scientist from another planet studied the reproductive system of our homo sapien males, they would conclude that the human race is heading towards a rapid dive to extinction.

How contact with aliens means Christopher Columbus...

Using brain waves to control electronics? Sounds too good to be true...

After the passing of the Digital Economy Bill, the residents of Britain must return to the 1996 dial up era, in a Google-less, wi-fi-less world.

Where has all the good bees gone?

Willy Wonka's Three-Course-Dinner Gum is no longer a thing of fiction books!

There's so many more articles, but I really can't be bothered hyperlinking them :)
Lots of them are articles from science magazines about discoveries and stuff.
Now to return to my documentary on Michelangelo =D


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