chinese new years

picture by Paul Thurlby -
okay. i have 5 things i want to rant about.

no.1 CNY just aint fun anymore...financially...

No seriously. I use to look forward to Chinese New Year as much as I look forward to my birthday...and christmas...and maybe easter. It was one of my main source of financial income...fifty dollar notes (one hundred if im lucky) waiting cozily inside a red envelope...just waiting to be mine. Mine. All mine.
But yeah, I'm starting to realise (this year in particularly) that the number of envelopes I'm getting is decreasing >:( Now, I'm not trying to sound ungrateful or money-crazy...I'm just saying that I don't get as much out of this festive day as I usually do.
Apart from the dinner parties and the getting together of noisy family members, CNY is just another day to me. Another excuse to go out to the restaurants and get fat from all their saucy foods (lobsters (L))

no.2 I'm broke.
*moans* I am so broke.

no.3 I'm addicted to Oolong Tea
After getting rid of my EasyWay addiction...this new beverage stand called ChaTime opens. I've always enjoyed drinking Oolong Tea and they have just the thing. So everyday, I spend $4.80 buying this drink. I've calculated...I think this is the reason why I'm broke.
$4.80 x 5 = $24 per week...(sometimes $28.80)
That's a lot of money gone o.o
No wonder I'm broke.
[see no.2 for more details]

no. 4 I see dead people.
No I don't. Not really...

no. 5 The meaning of life...
I can lick my elbow =D
*celebration time*


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